Mabie Todd used the 'Swan' name for a whole range of pens from 1885 to 1958, it was more of a brand than a model. This lever filling, or 'self filling' pen was made around 1935.
The pen is in outstanding condition throughout. The surface is free from flaws and the imprints are sharp and clear. The gold filling on the cap bands, clip, and lever is pristine and the cap still carries a clear, white 'Swan' logo.
A full restoration has been carried out including a new ink sac, the old one was the original Swan sac which had hardened with age. The filling system works well and the Swn No.2 14Ct Gold nib wries with a firm, medium line.
A compact 12.8 cm. when capped the pen 'grows' to an impressive 15.8. cm. when posted. In use it is a long and well balanced pen with a solid, high quality feel.
Although this pen is clearly in highly collectable condition it would also make an excellent daily vintage writer.