The Parker Vacumatic was produced from 1934 to 1938, although Canadian production continued to 1953. This Vacumatic Major (131 mm. long) is date stamped for the third quarter of 1947, the last of the Vacumatics.
The pen has been restored, including a new diaphragm, and tested. Although the nib has a slight kink it writes well with a medium line, and has a little flex.
The pen has an excellent surface and the 'split arrow' clip is bright and securely retained with a black cap stud. The cap is a smooth screw fit, it appears to be a slightly different colour pattern to the pen, more silver and less green. The colour discrepancy and visual condition of the nib are reflected in the price.
The Parker Vacumatic was made in a bewildering variety of sizes which don't always correspond neatly with the name of the model. The 'Major' is, however, consistently listed as having a capped length of 131mm., as with this pen. It is an attrctive and high quality pen with a good pedigree, it would make a first class every day vintage writer.